“As a scholar of God’s Word, I’m under no illusion about the work and responsibility God has laid upon me… I am confident that the saints of the Most High God will pray fervently and effectively for my wellbeing and for the will of God to be accomplished in me and through me…”
Pastor: Dr. M. Taylor
Although academically qualified ( a PhD in Theology, MBA, etc) Pastor Taylor did not earn her credentials for pastorship in the universities of man but was divinely certified through great personal sacrifice and suffering for the NAME (2 Cor. 11: 23-30). Throughout it all she remained constant, true and fully committed to God and His people.
It was not only the experiential knowledge of God that fit her for pastoral office but her ministry was forged through many years of arduous study; all night prayer and protracted fasting. She excelled to be the Dean of Bethel Institute of Biblical studies (BIBS) in 2000, and served faithfully for over 28 years by remaining absolutely obedient to God irrespective of the consequences. BIBS gained new heights under her leadership and “the word grew…”, as she humbled herself before the Lord and sat studiously under the tutelage of our great apostolic fathers such as Bishop S. A. Dunn and Bishop M. H. Simmonds.
Today, Pastor Taylor is an anointed prophet, teacher, evangelist and pastor; gifted (by God) to the Body of Christ for this generation. Her four-fold ministry crosses international borders, embraces all ages, all cultures and people from all stations in life. In caring for the flock of Christ, locally, nationally and internationally, she has indeed rescued many souls from the perishing.

Since her appointment in 2017, our pastor has been working relentlessly. She has put in place several community initiatives and training programmes to develop our Church family.
Her heart’s desire is that all men be saved!
Should you like to make an appointment with our Pastor, please contact us.