Our Tributes
Today, we pay tribute to all our brethren, family and friends who have gone on home to be with the LORD. They have laboured arduously in building the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They have fought a good fight, finished their course, kept the faith, and now is laid up a crown of righteousness for them that love His appearing. 2 Tim. 4:8
Although we love and miss them dearly, we can take great comfort in knowing that we will meet again. Yes, the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the LORD in the air. And so shall we ever be with the LORD. I Thess. 4: 16-17

“Oh what a Sunrise it’s going to be. Death will lose its sting and the grave its victory …. “
Special Tributes
Pastor M.E. Thompson, 16 January 1936 to 7 January 2017
Pastor Melbourne Emmanuel Thompson was a much loved and respected leader, who served the Wimbledon assembly, up until the LORD called him home on 7th January 2017. From the sixties i.e. his early ministry in Mitcham (St Mark’s Hall), he was a flag-bearer for the saving name of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the years he led many a soul to Christ, nurtured and helped them to grow spiritually. As the Church grew numerically, Pastor Thompson established several auxiliaries, departments. Today, we give God thanks for the work accomplished through him, for his life and the ministry in Wimbledon.
Bishop M.H. Simmonds, 1 November 1936 to 19 May 2019
Bishop Martin Howard Simmonds was indeed a man of God who served his generation faithfully. He made it his lifetime endeavour to build a people of power and praise that would move through this world by God’s Spirit and glorify God’s precious name.
Looking back over the years, we’re so grateful for his life and ministry. As a servant-leader he took the time to listen attentively; to encourage the weaker vessels among us; and to run to the aid of the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made him overseer. He visited the sick, held many a bible class, trained many officers, and travelled many a mile to do so: not allowing his failing eyesight to stop him.
His legacy now lives on through the many ministries birthed and nurtured by him during his lifetime. We salute you Bishop!